Anniversary Video Ideas for Parents
Whether your parents are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 50th, or any other wedding anniversary, a group video is one of the most thoughtful and moving gifts you can give them. A wedding anniversary video is a unique, personalized gift they can watch whenever they want and treasure forever. It will put a lasting smile on their faces, although they'll need a box of tissues at the ready.
We've put together some tips on how to make the best wedding anniversary video for your parents, from who to include to choosing a heart-warming quote.
Happy Anniversary Video Ideas
Decide Who to Include in Your Anniversary Video
When it comes to deciding who to include in your wedding anniversary video for your parents, the answer is the more, the merrier. Involving a crowd will make it all the more special. Besides close family and friends, invite an array of surprise guests from their past and present to add their own video message.
With a wedding anniversary video maker such as Memento, it is easy to create a group video. You can add as many people as you like, and it takes zero effort. All participants need is a smartphone, laptop or computer with a camera, and they can record and upload their own messages.

Suggestions for who to include on your list:
- Someone who knew them when they met
- Someone who was at their wedding, or was in their wedding party
- Someone who they knew when their kids were babies
- Friends they met on vacations
- Former work colleagues
- Neighbors (and former neighbors!)
Add Memories and Milestone Moments
A wedding anniversary video offers the perfect opportunity to take your parents on a trip down memory lane - especially if it is for a milestone anniversary like their 40th. It can showcase standout moments from their journey through life together with appearances from friends and loved ones.
Encourage participants to reveal how they met the special couple, share their own stories, memories and insider jokes, and even showcase old photos, which are usually good for a laugh!
Key moments to cover:
- The time they met
- Meeting the parents or family
- First apartment or house
- Wedding day
- Honeymoon
- Birth of a child
- Favorite vacations with friends or family
One of the best things about group videos is that you can easily reorder all the videos into chronological order.
Anniversary Video Message Ideas
Tell Your Parents You Love Them

If your parents have stayed together this long, they're probably pretty good at showing their love. For the best wedding anniversary video, don’t forget to tell your parents how much you love them. Talk about how much you appreciate them, how important they are to you, and what you've learned from them.
Bring up special memories from your childhood, a favorite family vacation, or another memorable occasion. For those who are not a fan of being in front of the camera, you could simply read a poem or quote.
Read a Quote
Sometimes, it can be hard to think of what to say in a wedding anniversary video message. If you’re stuck for words, you can read a quote out on camera. Anniversary quotes can be heart-warming, funny, or inspirational and you'll find thousands to choose from on the internet. To save you time and effort, here are some popular ones to inspire you. For more suggestions go to Brainy Quote.
- “A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.” Paul Sweeney
- “I admire you both not just because you are my parents but because you both are a living example of how two people can align their life goals, be committed to their love, and nurture a family's growth year after year. Happy anniversary.”
- “What a great day for a stroll down memory lane! Take some time today to remember and cherish all the beautiful times you have shared. To many more, Happy Anniversary!”
- “You two go together like salt with pepper, bacon with eggs, and peanut butter and jelly. Happy Anniversary!”
- “Happy anniversary! May your love and devotion inspire all who surround you and may you be blessed with all the gifts that life has to offer.”
- “Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.” Simone Signore
Memento is the Wedding Anniversary Group Video Maker
Make it a Surprise
Amp up the impact by using Memento to make your parents' wedding anniversary video a surprise. Give each participant the heads up that it’s a big secret so no one lets it slip. When your parents receive their video gift on their special day, it will blow them away.
Create a Wedding Anniversary Video the Easy Way
Making a wedding anniversary video for your parents is super easy with Memento. Once you've set up the event, you simply send out links to invite the participants that are on your list. When you're ready to put it all together, you can customize your video by adding a personalized message, choosing a color template, and adding music. To finish your group video, you simply push a button and wait for the magic to happen.
An anniversary video is a wonderful tribute to your parents that is entirely unique and personal, and something they can play again and again.
Here's a example celebrating Jim and Julie's 50th!
P.S.- Are you and your spouse celebrating an anniversary? Be sure to check out our ideas for anniversary video messages for a partner.