What is a Trunk Party?
A trunk party is a going-away celebration where guests bring gifts to fill a student’s “trunk” with college necessities such as sheets, blankets, towels, and school supplies. Trunk parties are the perfect way to say goodbye to a high school grad and prepare them for their first semester away from home.
Let’s take a look at how to throw a trunk party your student will love!
College Trunk Party Invitations
Start your planning off on the right foot with online trunk party invitations that can be sent from any digital device. These beautiful designs look just like real stationery but—unlike snail mail—can be delivered instantly.

Once you pick your favorite goodbye party invitation, customize it with important event details and send it to guests via text or email. Best of all, you can track and manage your guest list right from your phone, so you can easily keep track of how many guests will be able to attend your event.
Trunk ‘Going-Away’ Party Decorations
Set the stage for a successful celebration with fabulous farewell party decorations. Place college pennants throughout the event space along with streamers, balloons, tablecloths, and napkins that match the honoree’s school colors. Purchase a customized going away party banner or get crafty and make your own to say good luck, congrats, or bon voyage.

Lastly, every trunk party needs a trunk! Invest in a sturdy trunk that your student can later use to store sweaters, sweatshirts, or other items while at a school. Place the trunk near the event’s entrance and include signage so that guests know where to place their gifts. Alternatively, if you’re hosting an outdoor event, you could also open the trunk of your car and have the guests drop the gifts in there!
Trunk Party Gifts
Celebrate and prepare your student for dorm life with these trunk party gift ideas.

College Essentials
- Bedding: bedspread, sheets, pillow, mattress pad and protector.
- Dorm Room: bedside lamp, alarm clock, storage bins, clothes hangers, mirror, mini-fridge.
- Bathroom: towels, robe, caddy, shower shoes, hairdryer.
- Laundry: detergent, dryer sheets, basket, iron, small ironing board, quarters.
- Other: backpack, rain coat, winter jacket, umbrella, disinfectant wipes, tissues, noise-canceling headphones.
Farewell & Congrats Video Gift
Surprise the guest of honor with a thoughtful group video from friends and family using Memento’s video gift maker. Before the trunk party, have guests and those who aren’t able to attend record a video message with their congrats and best wishes.

Easily combine the clips into a final video and play it on a big screen at the college send-off party. The recipient will be touched to hear so many messages of love before they head off to school. Best of all, they can replay the video whenever they get homesick to see familiar faces and hear loved ones’ voices.
Trunk Party Games
Make the celebration memorable with these ideas for trunk party games.

Who Knows the Graduate Best?
This is a fun game that focuses on how much guests really know about the graduate. Before you play, pass out the Who knows the graduate best? game sheet to everyone along with a pen. Give everyone 5-10 minutes to answer the questions or fill-in-the-blanks about the graduate. The quiz can include questions about the honoree’s first job, middle name, shoe size, favorite movie, and more. At the end of the game, whoever gets the most questions right wins!
Did It or Not
The "Did It or Not" game is similar to “Who Knows the Graduate Best?” in that it revolves around the graduate but getting the right answer is more of a team effort. In this game, guests take turns providing true or false anecdotes about the honoree. The remaining guests decide together whether each anecdote actually occurred or not. It’s a creative way to learn more about the graduate and have a few laughs at the same time.
College Trivia
This game requires a bit of research on the host’s behalf. Before the trunk party, gather different statistics and facts about the college the grad will be attending and come up with different questions in multiple choice and True-False formats. Questions could be about school sports, mascots, enrollment numbers, and interesting tidbits about the school’s history. A trivia contest is sure to keep the guests entertained and help them learn more about the grad’s college.
Gather friends and family to celebrate your high school graduate with these trunk party ideas and the honoree is guaranteed to feel loved and prepared for their big college adventure!